It is important to know About WordPress.

I hope everyone is good. Market Place CMS (content management system) huge demand of WordPress Let's continue to talk and move to the main discussion. Those who want to develop WordPress development as an online carrier must have ideas about WordPress templates.WordPress flame is easy ... if you learn the rules ...WordPress 8 templates in the primary templateIndex.phpArchive.phpSingle.phpPage.phpHome.phpComments-popup.php404.phpSearch.phpSecondary templates 9 in WordPressPaged: true paged.phpAuthor.phpCategory.phpTexonomy.phpDate.phpTag.phpAttachment.phpSingle-post.phpFront-page.phpVarious templates in wordpress 16Archive- $ posttype.phpSingle- $ posttype.phpPage- $ id.phpMimetype_ $ subtype.phpPage- & slug.phpAuthor- $ id.phpCategory- $ id.phpTaxonomy- & taxonomy.phpTag- $ id.php$ Subtype.php& Custom.phpAuthor- $ nicename.phpCatagory- $ slug.phpTaxonomy-$ taxonomy- $ term.phpTag-$ slug.php$ Mimetype.phpWordpress page type 27Paged: falseYear ArchiveMonth ArchiveDay ArchiveCustom TemplateDefault TemplateAuthor ArchiveCategory ArchiveCustom Post Type ArchiveCustom Taxonomy ArchiveDate ArchiveTag ArchiveAttachment PostCustom PostBlog PostPage TemplatePage Shown On FrontPosts Shown On FrontSingle Post PageStatic PageArchive PageSingular PageSite Front PageBlog Posts Index PageComments Popup PageError 404 Pa27. Search Result PageTo this day, in front of the above mentioned templates, Inshallah will discuss the details.

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